it is time for bed. 是睡觉的时候了。
i’ve put the children to bed. 我已安置孩子们睡觉了。
he sat by the bed, watching tv. 他坐在床边看电视。
比较 go to bed(上床睡觉)与 go to the bed(到床边去)。如:
he went to bed at 10 last night. 他昨晚10点钟上床睡觉。
he went to the bed and found a red box on it. 他走到床边,发现床上有个红盒子。
it’s a bad habit to read in bed. /it’s a bad habit to read
on a [the] bed. 躺在床上看书是个坏习惯。
注:in bed 通常不用冠词,on the [a] bed 通常要用冠词。
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