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[趣味记单词]提升雅思词汇量单词记忆法经验分享 [复制链接]

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只看楼主 倒序阅读 使用道具 楼主   发表于: 2020-12-22

提升雅思词汇量, 单词记忆法经验分享,今天小编给大家带来提升雅思词汇量 ,希望能够帮助到大家,下面小编就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。
提升雅思词汇量 单词记忆法经验分享
In some countries, the role of a mother differs in some ways from the role
of a father. Why do you think these differences exist? How might parental roles
develop in the future?
One of the government duties and responsibilities is to pour its funds to
the area of sports and art which can add spice to people’s life. The discussion
centers on whether the fund should be allocated to campus sport and art or to
the professional counterparts in communities. From a more holistic point, I am
in favor of the view that social sports and art events are supposed to receive
more government financial aid.
If governments spend more grants in professional sports and events, the
value and benefit of sports and arts can be appreciated by more public. A larger
number of people ranging from the sports enthusiasts and art fans can be found
in communities and the well-funded sports and art events can cater for their
needs and bring them more physical and mental enjoyment. Therefore, the core
value presented by sports and arts can be better realized and admired by the
public. By comparison, sport and art in school are in the subordinate place,
which are usually regarded as pastime by most students and teachers.
The sports and art events in community can also boost communication and
interaction in neighborhood. People tend to go out their doors to view or
participate in the various sports or arts events if the government pours more
money into communities. And they can share their understanding when enjoying the
work of art or cultivate a sense of belonging when taking part in sports
On the other hand, sport and art events in school are also worth government
attention. Schools are usually short in funds and the financial assistance from
government can make school life more diverse and colorful. However, the fund
allocated to schools can generate fewer benefits and other non-government
organizations can donor some amount of money to meet the requirement.
To conclude, the government should sponsor the sports and art activities in
community even if schools are also in need of financial support.
雅思大作文模板:Team spirit的培养
The best way to teach children to cooperate is through team sports at
school. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
Cooperation has strongly been advocated by many schools, possibly because
good teamwork spirit is regarded as shared trait among successful groups. It is
believed that organizing children to do team sports is the best way to teach
cooperation. My view is that team sports are of great significance to the
cultivation of teamwork spirit, despite the fact that children can learn to
cooperate through many other methods.
Team sports are known for the ability that it can improve children’s
teamwork spirit. In the team environment, members need to know how to
communicate with each other and discuss strategies to beat rivals, which can
prepare students for both academic performance and career development. If there
are no team activities provided for children, they may feel lonely and isolated
from the outside world. Undoubtedly, introducing more team sports to children
contributes to cultivating their cooperation spirit.
Another advantage of team sports is that it can encourage children to obey
team rules. When they are playing together, they have to follow some certain
instructions; otherwise activities or games may not be gone smoothly. In
addition, children are more likely to help each other and realize the merits of
others id they are occupied with team sports.
Meanwhile, it should be admitted that team sports are not the only way to
cooperation. If the team fails, children may blame their teammate, which is
harmful to both teamwork spirit and their friendship. Clearly, there are many
other social activities that can improve children’s cooperation, including
singing in a chorus and participating in unpaid community service.
To sum up, team sports provide a good environment for children to cooperate
and encourage them to follow instructions, although we have to acknowledge that
some other activities are also the methods leading to teamwork spirit.

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