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[完形填空]大学英语四级完型填空解析讲义-14附答案 [复制链接]

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只看楼主 倒序阅读 使用道具 楼主   发表于: 2020-12-16

  what personal qualities are desirable in a teacher? i think the following would be generally accepted.
  first, the teacher’s personality should be lively and 1 . this does not rule out people who are plain-looking, or 2 ugly, because many such people have great personal charm. but it does rule out such 3 as the over-excitable, sad, cold, and frustrated.
  secondly, it is not merely desirable but essential for a 4 to have a genuine(真正的) capacity for sympathy, a capacity to 5 the minds and feelings of other people, especially, 6 of children. closely 7 with this is the capacity to be tolerant(可容忍的)-not, indeed, of what is 8 , but of the weaknesses and immaturity of human nature which 9 people, and again especially children, to make mistakes.
  thirdly, i hold it essential for a teacher to be honest. there is no contradiction(矛盾) in my going on to 10 that a teacher should be a bit of an actor. that is part of the technique of 11 , which demands that every now and then a teacher 12 be able to put on an act-to enliven(使生动) a lesson, correct a fault, or award praise.
  a teacher must be capable of infinite patience. this, i may say, is largely a matter of 13 and self-training, for we are 14 of us born like that.
  finally, i think a teacher should have the kind of mind which always wants to go on 15 . teaching is a job at which one will never be 16 ; there is always something more to learn about it. there are 17 principal objects of study: the subjects which the teacher is teaching; the methods by which the subjects can best be taught and- 18 the most important- the children, young people, or 19 to whom the subjects are to be taught. the two fundamental principles of british education today are that education is education of the whole person, and that it is best 20 through full and active co-operation between two persons, the teacher and the learner.
  1. a. common b. beautiful c. easy-going d. attractive
  2. a. even b. ever c. otherwise d. therefore
  3. a. actors b. types c. classes d. schools
  4. a. doctor b. student c. teacher d. headmaster
  5. a. see b. understand c. move d. persuade
  6. a. ones b. some c. many d. those
  7. a. related b. watched c. followed d. studied
  8. a. wrong b. good c. right d. pretty
  9. a. force b. make c. ask d. induce(诱导)
  10. a. talk b. tell c. speak d. say
  11. a. acting b. teaching c. working d. learning
  12. a. should b. could c. must d. have to
  13. a. self-defence b. self-discipline c. self-teaching d. self-confidence
  14. a. all b. some c. none d. many
  15. a. learning b. practising c. teaching d. watching
  16. a. endless b. payable c. tiring d. perfect
  17. a. two b. four c. three d. five
  18. a. so far b. by far c. by now d. at large
  19. a. adults b. persons c. boys d. girls
  20. a. regarded b. described c. acquired d. received


  1. d.从后面的personal charm可以看出来,老师的个性要有吸引力。beautiful一般不与personality 搭配。
  2. a.从plain-looking到ugly,意义递进,所以用 even。
  3. b.要排除的是这些类型的人。over-excitable, sad, cold, and frustrated指的是各种类型的人。type表类型。
  4. c.只有teacher与文章主题有关。
  5. b.同情心是一种理解别人感情和心思的能力。
  6. d.those作代词, 指代前面提到的the minds and feelings。
  7. a.与之密切相关的一种能力就是容忍性。
  8. a.错误的东西当然不能容忍。
  9. d.人性的弱点和不成熟是青少年犯错误的诱因。
  10. d.这里强调说话的内容,故用say。
  11. b.表演是一种教学技能。
  12. a.教师应该具有能力表演。
  13. b.从后面可以知道,耐心不是天生就有的,是一种自我约束,自我训练的结果。
  14. c.从常识可以了解到没有人一生下来就有耐心。
  15. a. there is always something more to learn about it.中可以知道,教师要不断学习和研究。
  16. d.教学是一种永远不会完美的工作。
  17. c.后面列出了教师的三个研究对象:所教学科,教学方法,学生。
  18. b.只有by far能修饰形容词最高级。
  19. a.前面提到了children, young people ,可见作者是按年龄大小来列举教学对象的,故选adults。
  20. c 全人教育只有通过师生间的充分和主动的合作才能达到

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