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只看楼主 倒序阅读 使用道具 楼主   发表于: 2020-12-11

1. 强对比、强转折、双重否定
2. 比较级、最高级、唯一性、“所有”, only, in particular
3. 大写名词、斜体字做好标记
4. 有关时间的句子,弄清楚前后关系
5. 反复出现的关键词,弄清其含义
6. 虚拟、让步语气
7. 转折、比较弄清比较双方是谁
8. 文章脉络,作者的观点和倾向,评价最重要
1.按写作方法分:presentation[立论], argument[评论]
定位 改写”。
For some time scientists have believed that cholesterol plays a major role
in heart disease because people with familial hypercholesterolemia
(hypercholesterolemia: n.[医]血胆脂醇过多), a genetic defect, have six to eight times
the normal level of cholesterol in their blood and they invariably develop heart
disease. These people lack cell-surface receptors for low-density lipoproteins
(LDL’s), which are the fundamental carriers of blood cholesterol to the body
cells that use cholesterol. Without an adequate number of cell-surface receptors
to remove LDL’s from the blood, the cholesterol-carrying LDL’s remain in the
blood, increasing blood cholesterol levels. Scientists also noticed that people
with familial hypercholesterolemia appear to produce more LDL’s than normal
individuals. How, scientists wondered, could a genetic mutation that causes a
slowdown in the removal of LDL’s from the blood also result in an increase in
the synthesis of this cholesterol-carrying protein?
Since scientists could not experiment on human body tissue, their knowledge
of familial hypercholesterolemia was severely limited. However, a breakthrough
came in the laboratories of Yoshio Watanabe of Kobe University in Japan in 1980.
Watanabe noticed that a male rabbit in his colony had ten times the normal
concentration of cholesterol in its blood. By appropriate breeding, Watanabe
obtained a strain of rabbits that had very high cholesterol levels. These
rabbits spontaneously developed heart disease. To his surprise, Watanabe further
found that the rabbits, like humans with familial hypercholesterolemia, lacked
LDL receptors. Thus, scientists could study these Watanabe rabbits to gain a
better understanding of familial hypercholesterolemia in humans.
Prior to the breakthrough at Kobe University, it was known that LDL’s are
secreted from the liver in the form of a precursor, called very low-density
lipoproteins (VLDL’s), which carry triglycerides (triglyceride: n.[化]甘油三酸酯) as
well as relatively small amounts of cholesterol. The triglycerides are removed
from the VLDL’s by fatty and other tissues. What remains is a remnant particle
that must be removed from the blood. What scientists learned by studying the
Watanabe rabbits is that the removal of the VLDL remnant requires the LDL
receptor. Normally, the majority of the VLDL remnants go to the liver where they
bind to LDL receptors and are degraded. In the Watanabe rabbit, due to a lack of
LDL receptors on liver cells, the VLDL remnants remain in the blood and are
eventually converted to LDL’s. The LDL receptors thus have a dual effect in
controlling LDL levels. They are necessary to prevent oversynthesis of LDL’s
from VLDL remnants and they are necessary for the normal removal of LDL’s from
the blood. With this knowledge, scientists are now well on the way toward
developing drugs that dramatically lower cholesterol levels in people afflicted
with certain forms of familial hypercholesterolemia.
17. In the passage, the author is primarily concerned with
(A) presenting a hypothesis and describing compelling evidence in support
of it
(B) raising a question and describing an important discovery that led to an
(C) showing that a certain genetically caused disease can be treated
effectively with drugs
(D) explaining what causes the genetic mutation that leads to heart
(E) discussing the importance of research on animals for the study of human
18. Which of the following drugs, if developed, would most likely be an
example of the kind of drug mentioned in line 53?
(A) A drug that stimulates the production of VLDL remnants
(B) A drug that stimulates the production of LDL receptors on the liver
(C) A drug that stimulates the production of an enzyme needed for
cholesterol production
(D) A drug that suppresses the production of body cells that use
(E) A drug that prevents triglycerides from attaching to VLDL’s
19. The passage supplies information to answer which of the following
(A) Which body cells are the primary users of cholesterol?
(B) How did scientists discover that LDL’s are secreted from the liver in
the form of a precursor?
(C) Where in the body are VLDL remnants degraded?
(D) Which body tissues produce triglycerides?
(E) What techniques are used to determine the presence or absence of
cell-surface receptors?
20. According to the passage, by studying the Watanabe rabbits scientists
learned that
(A) VLDL remnants are removed from the blood by LDL receptors in the
(B) LDL’s are secreted from the liver in the form of precursors called
(C) VLDL remnant particles contain small amounts of cholesterol
(D) triglycerides are removed from VLDL’s by fatty tissues
(E) LDL receptors remove LDL’s from the blood
21. The development of drug treatments for some forms of familial
hypercholesterolemia is regarded by the author as
(A) possible, but not very important
(B) interesting, but too costly to be practical
(C) promising, but many years off
(D) extremely unlikely
(E) highly probable
22. The passage implies that if the Watanabe rabbits had had as many LDL
receptors on their livers as do normal rabbits, the Watanabe rabbits would have
(A) less likely than normal rabbits to develop heart disease
(B) less likely than normal rabbits to develop high concentrations of
cholesterol in their blood
(C) less useful than they actually were to scientists in the study of
familial hypercholesterolemia in humans
(D) unable to secrete VLDL’s from their livers
(E) immune to drugs that lower cholesterol levels in people with certain
forms of familial hypercholesterolemia
23. The passage implies that Watanabe rabbits differ from normal rabbits in
which of the following ways?
(A) Watanabe rabbits have more LDL receptors than do normal rabbits.
(B) The blood of Watanabe rabbits contains more VLDL remnants than does the
blood of normal rabbits.
(C) Watanabe rabbits have fewer fatty tissues than do normal rabbits.
(D) Watanabe rabbits secrete lower levels of VLDL’s than do normal
(E) The blood of Watanabe rabbits contains fewer LDL’s than does the blood
of normal rabbits.
(The article from which this passage was taken appeared in 1981.)
When speaking of Romare Bearden, one is tempted to say, “A great Black
American artist.” The subject matter of Bearden’s collages is certainly Black.
Portrayals of the folk of Mecklenburg County, North Carolina, whom he remembers
from early childhood, of the jazz musicians and tenement roofs of his Harlem
days, of Pittsburgh steelworkers, and his reconstruction of classical Greek
myths in the guise of (in the guise of: 假借;以...为幌子) the ancient Black kingdom of
Benin, attest to this. In natural harmony with this choice of subject matter are
the social sensibilities of the artist, who remains active today with the Cinque
Gallery in Manhattan, which he helped found and which is devoted to showing the
work of minority artists.
Then why not call Bearden a Black American artist? Because ultimately this
categorization is too narrow. “What stands up in the end is structure,” Bearden
says. “What I try to do is amplify. If I were just creating a picture of a farm
woman from back home, it would have meaning to her and people there. But art
amplifies itself to something universal.”
24. According to the passage, all of the following are depicted in
Bearden’s collages EXCEPT:
(A) workers in Pittsburgh’s steel mills
(B) scenes set in the ancient kingdom of Benin
(C) people Bearden knew as a child
(D) traditional representations of the classical heroes of Greek
(E) the jazz musicians of the Harlem Bearden used to know
25. The author suggests that Bearden should not be called a Black American
artist because
(A) there are many collages by Bearden in which the subject matter is not
(B) Bearden’s work reflects the Black American experience in a highly
individual style
(C) through the structure of Bearden’s art his Black subjects come to
represent all of humankind
(D) Bearden’s true significance lies not so much in his own work as in his
efforts to help other minority artists
(E) much of Bearden’s work uses the ancient Black kingdom of Benin for its
26. Bearden’s social sensibilities and the subject matter of his collages
are mentioned by the author in order to explain
(A) why one might be tempted to call Bearden a Black American artist
(B) why Bearden cannot be readily categorized
(C) why Bearden’s appeal is thought by many to be ultimately universal
(D) how deeply an artist’s artistic creations are influenced by he artist’s
social conscience
(E) what makes Bearden unique among contemporary Black American artists
27. The author of the passage is chiefly concerned with
(A) discussing Bearden’s philosophy of art
(B) assessing the significance of the ethnic element in Bearden’s work
(C) acknowledging Bearden’s success in giving artistic expression to the
Black American experience
(D) pointing out Bearden’s helpfulness to other minority artists
(E) tracing Bearden’s progress toward artistic maturity
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