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[美国习语]美国习语:感到愉快的,人挂掉了 [复制链接]

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美国习语: 感到愉快的,人挂掉了
Say, Barby, let me tell you something. I really get a kick out of being
around you. If you feel the same way about me, well, maybe we ought to get
serious and think about getting engaged to each other. I&
39;m not a kid anymore but
I still get a big kick out of going to see a circus. The elephants, the clowns,
the acrobats -- they make me feel like a kid again. Your old friend Charley&
not working here any more. In fact we heard he kicked the bucket down in Texas
last winter; he got kicked in the head by a horse he was trying to saddle up.
That old dog next door finally kicked the bucket. He was 16 years old,
toothless, blind and could hardly get around. 16 years is a long time for a dog,
so it was time for him to go.
to get a kick out of to kick the bucket 美国多年来有一首流行歌曲,它的名字叫"I get a kick out
of You" Kick就是用脚踢的意思,不管是人的脚,或是马的脚,被踢的人一般来说是会感到很痛的。但是,这首歌的名字"I Get A Kick Out of
"Say, Barby, let me tell you something. I really get a kick out of being around
you. If you feel the same way about me, well, maybe we ought to get serious and
think about getting engaged to each other."
但是,爱情并不是to get a kick out of的唯一源泉。也就是说,to get a kick out
of这个俗语并不完全和爱情联系在一起。它可以用于任何一个使你高兴的人,或任何一样令你喜爱和激动的东西。例如:一个成年人在说他自己的爱好: "I&
39;m not a
kid anymore but I still get a big kick out of going to see a circus. The
elephants, the clowns, the acrobats--they make me feel like a kid again."
下面我们还要讲一个由kick这个字组成的俗语,那就是:to kick the bucket。尽管这个俗语也同样有kick这个字,但是它的意思却全然不同。To
kick the
kick the bucket来指某人死了。特别要指出的是,to kick the
"Your old friend Charley&
39;s not working here any more. In fact we heard he kicked
the bucket down in Texas last winter; he got kicked in the head by a horse he
was trying to saddle up."
这人告诉他:"你的老朋友查理已经不在这儿做了。事实上,我们听说他在去年冬天在得克萨斯州死了。他在套马的时候,那匹马往他的头上踢了一脚。" To kick the
bucket这个俗语也可以用于动物。例如: "That old dog next door finally kicked the bucket. He was
16 years old, toothless, blind and could hardly get around. 16 years is a long
time for a dog, so it was time for him to go."
在这次[美国习惯用语]节目里,我们讲了两个俗语,一个是:to get a kick out of。To get a kick out
of是指使人感到很愉快、很兴奋的人或物,有时也指由于爱情而使人感到激动和愉快。今天我们讲的第二个俗语是:to kick the bucket。To kick
the bucket是指一个人死了。
美国习语: 卖座率低,惊人的消息
A newspaper says that a picture that had cost $34 million to make has
bombed at the box office. This young producer made money on his first three
films, so the studio invested 40 million in his fourth film. But it turned out
to be a real bomb -- it didn&
39;t make enough to get back the investment.
Grandfather dropped a bombshell last night when he told the family he is
marrying a woman 40 years younger than he. In March 1968 President Lyndon
Johnson dropped one of the biggest bombshells ever dropped in American politics
when he announced that he would not run for re-election because of the Vietnam
语言往往是难以捉摸,也是没有道理可讲的。我们曾经在美国习惯用语: 节目里给大家介绍了几个和战争有关的俗语,其中之一是:blockbuster。
Bomb 就是炸弹,也一样是一种武器。但是,在电影和音乐方面,你要是用 bomb
这个字,它的意思就是不成功,不受欢迎,卖座率很低。要是有一则新闻报导说最近一位著名歌星录制的歌曲是一个 bomb
的话,那就是告诉你,这张唱片或磁带没有像想象中销路那么好。要是你听到别人说: "A newspaper says that a picture that had
cost 34 million dollars to make has bombed at the box office."
我们再来听听一位在好莱坞采访的记者讲的话吧: "This young producer made money on his first three films,
so the studio invested forty million in his fourth film. But it turned out to be
a real bomb -- it didn&
39;t make enough to get back the investment."
下面我们要给大家介绍的一个俗语也和 bomb 有关,但是它的意思和 bomb 又很不相同。这个习惯用语就是:to drop a bombshell。 To
drop a bombshell 的意思是:宣布令人震惊的消息,就像一枚炸弹在你身旁突然爆炸一样让你吃惊。下面这个祖父宣布的消息确实会让人感到很惊讶:
"Grandfather dropped a bombshell last night when he told the family he is
marrying a woman 40 years younger than he."
你知道美国历史上最令人吃惊的事之一是什么吗?下面这个例子就会告诉你: "In March 1968 President Lyndon Johnson
dropped one of the biggest bombshells ever dropped in American politics when he
announced that he would not run for re-election because of the Vietnam War."
今天我们给大家介绍了两个和战争,具体来说是和炸弹有关的习惯用语,可是它们的意思和战争都没有什么关系。我们讲的第一个习惯用语是: bomb。用 bomb
这个字来形容文艺界的作品,那就是作品销路不好的意思。我们今天讲的第二个俗语是:to drop a bombshell,这是指宣布一个令人惊奇的消息。
美国习语: 寻欢作乐,开始开球
How about coming out with us Wednesday night? We&
39;re all going to take Bill
Glover out to dinner. Then later we&
39;ll drop into a few night spots. It&
39;s Bill&
last chance to kick up his heels, you know--he&
39;s getting married the next
morning. My mother and dad are over sixty, but they still like to go out once in
a while to have dinner and do a little dancing and kick up their heels. Of
course, they go home a lot earlier than they used to. Last night Michael Smith
kicked off his campaign for the U.S. Senate with a speech here promising lower
taxes and a bigger budget for schools and more help to the farmers. Now that my
exams are all finished, I&
39;m going to kick off the summer vacation by going down
to Ocean City for a week to get some sun, some surf and a chance to look at the
to kick up one&
39;s heels to kick off
kick up one&
39;s heels。To kick up one&
39;s heels,从字面上来解释就是:把后脚往上踢。但是,实际上to kick up
39;s heels是用来形容人们到外面去寻欢作乐,就像马在草原上奔跑一样。比如说,有两个人在办公室里说话,其中之一说: "How about coming
out with us Wednesday night? We&
39;re all going to take Bill Glover out to dinner.
Then later we&
39;ll drop into a few night spots. It&
39;s Bill&
39;s last chance to kick up
his heels, you know--he&
39;s getting married the next morning."
To kick up one&
39;s heels并不一定是年轻人的事,上了年纪的人有时也想到外面去轻松轻松。下面的例子就很能说明问题: "My mother and
dad are over sixty, but they still like to go out once in a while to have dinner
and do a little dancing and kick up their heels. Of course, they go home a lot
earlier than they used to."
下面我们还要给大家介绍一个和kick这个字有关的美国俗语。这个俗语是:to kick off。To kick off的意思是一项活动,或一个计划的开始。To
kick off原来是用在足球比赛的。每次比赛开始都是由一个球队把球踢到对方球队去。可是现在这个俗语几乎可以用在任何方面,意思是:开始。美国人经常用to
kick off来表示竞选活动的开始。有时,你可以从之声上听到这样的报道: "Last night Michael Smith kicked off his
campaign for the U.S. Senate with a speech here promising lower taxes and a
bigger budget for schools and more help to the farmers."
下面这个例子是学生在准备他的暑期活动。他说: "Now that my exams are all finished, I&
39;m going to kick
off the summer vacation by going down to Ocean City for a week to get some sun,
some surf and a chance to look at the girls."
我们现在来复习一下今天讲的两个美国人经常用的俗语。第一个是:to kick up one&
39;s heels。To kick up one&
heels是指到外面去寻欢作乐,高兴高兴。我们今天讲的第二个俗语是:to kick off。To kick off是指开始一项活动,或一个计划。
My friend Joe is certainly an oddball. In the summer he puts his shoes in
the refrigerator at night so his feet will be cool when he goes to work in the
morning. And another oddball is Bill, especially when it comes to food. Can you
believe it, he even puts catchup on his ice cream. Talk about oddballs. Okay,
39;m all packed now, except for a few odds and ends I&
39;ll put in a handbag and
carry on the plane with me. One good thing I got done at the office today was
clean up my desk. I&
39;d let so many odds and ends pile up that you could scarcely
see the desk itself. But I got busy and took care of everything.
您大概都知道,英文里有许多单字可以有好几种解释,有时使得学英语的人感到很糊涂,到底这个字是什么意思。就拿 odd 这个字来说吧, odd
fifty-odd men,意思是"五十几个人"。Odd
oddball,那就是说这个人表现的很奇怪,和一般人不一样。我们来举个例子吧: "My friend Joe is certainly an oddball.
In the summer he puts his shoes in the refrigerator at night so his feet will be
cool when he goes to work in the morning."
世界上的怪人还是很多的。下面这个例子说的那个人也是怪得出奇: "And another oddball is Bill, especially when it
comes to food. Can you believe it, he even puts catchup on his ice cream. Talk
about oddballs!"A
这句话的意思是:"另外一个很怪的人是比尔,特别是在吃东西方面。你信不信,他吃冰淇淋的时候竟然还要加蕃茄酱。真是什么怪人都有!" 我们下面再来讲一个 odd
和其他字合在一起用的习惯用语:Odds and ends。 Odds and ends 的意思是:零碎东西。比如,一个人要到外地去旅行,他可能会说:
"Okay, I&
39;m all packed now, except for a few odds and ends I&
39;ll put in a handbag
and carry on the plane with me."
你要是到美国的公司或其他机构去参观的话,你可以看到很多人的办公桌上很乱,纸张文件堆得很高。下面这个人就是一个例子: "One good thing I got
done at the office today was clean up my desk. I&
39;d let so many odds and ends
pile up that you could scarcely see the desk itself. But I got busy and took
care of everything."
上面我们讲了两个由 odd 这个字和其他字合在一起组成的俗语。我们今天讲的第一个俗语是:oddball。 Oddball
主要是指那些在某些方面表现的比较怪的人,和中文里说有些人是"怪物"很相似。我们今天讲的第二个和 odd 有关的俗语是:odds and ends。 Odds
and ends 的意思是:零碎东西。
美国习语: 独立自主,拜倒脚下
Son, somebody may try to get you to smoke marijuana or drink, just to fit
in with the crowd. But I hope you can stand on your own two feet and say no。
Bill Brown has managed to stay in Congress now for 20 years. The voters don&
always agree with him but they really like the way he stands on his own feet and
makes his own decisions on which way to vote, regardless of pressures from all
the lobbyists. I&
39;m still looking for the right girl to marry. And when I find
her, I&
39;ll throw myself at her feet and ask her to spend the rest of her life
with me. The prisoner who has been convicted as a traitor threw himself at the
feet of the judge and beg for mercy.
在美国的成语和俗语中,有不少是围绕着"脚"这个字构成的,"脚"这个字在英文里就是 foot ,多数就是 feet。在美国的成语和俗语中,以 foot
或 feet 这个字为主的俗语为数还不少,它们的意思也各不相同。 今天我们要给大家再介绍两个由 foot 或者 feet 这个字组成的俗语。第一个是:to
stand on one&
39;s own two feet。 To stand on one&
39;s own two feet
"Son, somebody may try to get you to smoke marijuana or drink, just to fit in
with the crowd. But I hope you can stand on your own two feet and say no."
那些能够独立自主的人的确很令人钦佩。下面就是一个例子: "Bill Brown has managed to stay in Congress now for
twenty years. The voters don&
39;t always agree with him but they really like the
way he stands on his own feet and makes his own decisions on which way to vote,
regardless of pressures from all the lobbyists."
今天我们要讲的第二个习惯用语是: to throw oneself at someone&
39;s feet。 To throw oneself at
39;s feet 这个俗语可以解释为:公开对某人表示爱慕。比如说,一个男子在幻想自己未来的婚事,他对他的朋友说: "I&
39;m still
looking for the right girl to marry. And when I find her, I&
39;ll throw myself at
her feet and ask her to spend the rest of her life with me."
他说:"我现在还在物色一个我认为合适的女孩作为我的妻子。一旦我找到了,我就要拜倒在她的石榴裙下,恳求她作为我的终身伴侣。" To throw oneself
at someone&
39;s feet 还可以解释为:为了得到一些好处而溜须拍马,或拜倒在某人脚下。下面的例子是说一个被判了罪的犯人: "The prisoner
who has been convicted as a traitor threw himself at the feet of the judge and
beg for mercy." 这句话的意思是:"那个被定罪为叛徒的犯人拜倒在法官的面前,求他发发慈悲。" 我们现在来复习一下今天讲的两个以 foot 或
feet 这个字为主的习惯用语。第一个是: to stand on one&
39;s own two
feet,这是指一个人很独立自主,不依赖别人。今天我们讲的第二个习惯用语是: to throw oneself at someone&

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